Worship Ministries

  • Acolytes assist the Rector at the altar and in processions, carrying the cross (crucifer) and the Gospel. They light the candles and assist with the preparation for Eucharist and the collection of the Offertory.

  • The Altar Guild is behind every service at St. Alban’s. Their main duty is to prepare the sanctuary for worship on Sundays and other special occasions and to clean up after each service. New members are paired with experienced members during the training period.

  • Members of the floral guild take turns arranging flowers for Sunday mornings.

  • A Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM) is a trained lay person, approved by the vestry and licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist.

  • Readers read the lessons and lead the Psalm, and intercessors lead the prayers of the people.

  • Ushers are an integral part of worship at St Alban’s. They distribute worship bulletins as people enter, answer questions, and offer guidance as needed. During the service, they collect the Offering and direct people to take Communion.

  • The Verger helps round up all of the other servers who are scheduled to serve and makes sure everything on the altar and in the rest of the church is ready.

  • All of those serving at the Altar wear special vestments, which need to be laundered regularly.